Get started with your Video Fusion package today! Use the coupon below for 25% off the already low price of $195/month!
The Marketing Huddle was created to bring dynamic marketing solutions to small businesses across Jefferson County and the Denver area. Our Video Marketing service will research and analyze the most strategic way to integrate videos into your marketing campaigns and then create small “mini-commercials” for your company, which we distribute to over 10 of the top video sharing sites online (like Youtube, Yahoo and many more). Not only do we create and distribute the videos, we also help promote them to increase exposure and drive more and more traffic (potential customers) to your site. Over time, your videos will be indexed, tagged and integrated into the search engines so that as your prospects search on Google, YouTube, Yahoo, Bing etc. they will find your videos. When your business begins receiving this type of exposure, many times on Google page #1, you gain massive credibility.
Mike Saunders, founder of Marketing Huddle, holds an MBA in marketing and serves the small and medium-sized business market. In addition to coaching and consulting Marketing Huddle clients and teaching marketing as an Adjunct Marketing Professor at select colleges and universities, Mike is also a marketing consultant with the Denver Small Business Development Center (SBDC). His unique application of Marketing Integration Principles helps his clients use the internet to grow their businesses quickly while reducing marketing and advertising costs.
We were founded with one goal: to make things simple. We connect local businesses with local customers and help people save money. No hassles. No savings pitches.
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